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Girl Scout Cookies + Allison Outdoor Digital Network = Success

What happens when you combine Girl Scout Cookies and The Allison Outdoor Digital Network? A Whole lot of Girl Scout cookies being sold.


We were approached by our Director of Finance to see if there was a way to help her Granddaughter sell her remaining boxes of Girl Scout Cookies. We were up for the challenge and decided to promote her free of charge using a portion of the Allison Outdoor Digital Network, which consisted of 4 digital billboards in Sylva, NC. We started the digital advertising on Feb 10th with a 12 day run time leading up to the weekend sale of Feb 20-21.


When the Ad started running Allison Outdoor received multiple telephone calls and drop-ins trying to buy the cookies before the sale started. Once the sale happened they had record sales for 1 weekend in Sylva, NC compared to similar efforts in the past. A total of 566 Girl Scout cookie boxes sold in 8 hours over 1 weekend.


Here are questions to think about.

1) Are Girl Scout Cookies Good? Obviously.

2) Does Billboard Advertising Work? No Doubt. This sale took place with Zero promotion other than the billboards. And they ran on Digital billboards where you would share time with up to 7 other advertisers. Even with multiple advertisers the Girl Scout Cookie sale still broke through with people responding.


By the Numbers:

566 Boxes x $5/box= $2,830

Digital Billboard ($1,400) - 2 Week Flight

Net Profit $1,430


Whether you need a short term promotional campaign or long term branding give Allison Outdoor Advertising a ring. We'd love to help you grow your business.

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